I watched a fascinating documentary the other day on Scientology. Some of the last words spoken were by well-known Canadian screenwriter Paul Haggis. (Due South, the Black Donnelly’s, Million Dollar Baby). He was a Scientologist for 30 years and eventually got out as he recognized this cult/religion did not accept homosexuality and two of his daughters were gay.
He basically said- “we just don’t want to think for ourselves”.
I really thought about his comment. Most organized religion is about fitting in- following the doctrine. You are chastised if you rock the boat or question it out loud. Somehow there is always a leader of sorts who is revered to be of higher value-they are magnetic, charming, excellent at putting forth the doctrine. And people put them on a pedestal. Why?
No, really, I am truly curious as to how and why we have this need to put others on to pedestals…to somehow feel WE are not enough.
Right after my marriage ended about 12 years ago I was in a very fragile state. I somehow met this author/life coach/fitness guru and attended one of her retreats. Soon she was ‘courting’ me to be a part of her team, lavishing attention upon me- perhaps recognizing I had a certain intelligence and strength. It felt good. To be included in her ‘team’.
She was all of the characteristics I described…incredibly beautiful, well spoken, magnetic, almost seductive and an expert in putting forth her ‘New Cage’ ideas. (Jeff Brown’s cool and accurate word.).
Like I had watched in this documentary, the moment I challenged her on something- I was cut out of her team. In retrospect, it was fascinating, but at the time devastating.
Strong realization here- I wanted to give over my power to her but simply could not- and the moment she recognized I could be of little value to her ‘cause’ I was eradicated.
So why. Why do we want to give our power over to a higher source?
I’ve come to recognize that this higher ‘power’ exists within each of us but it is a great responsibility- to listen and follow our higher instinct.
There can be extended periods of ‘not-knowing’.
I think for some of us perhaps we were trained as children- not to step out of line or the huge parental rejection would occur. We were taught not to think for ourselves- in fact often we were punished if we did have radical ideas that fell out of the norm.
I think for some of us perhaps we were trained as children- not to step out of line or the huge parental rejection would occur. We were taught not to think for ourselves- in fact often we were punished if we did have radical ideas that fell out of the norm.
sometimes we have to walk alone to discover we are never alone. This higher spirit lives within us- or perhaps a guiding spirit would be more accurate.
I still believe in a higher power, but that power is in me- not in someone else. It’s so easy to be star-struck by celebrity, or beauty, or the seduction of confidence- but you see, these are qualities we might actually be disowning in ourselves.
Marianne Williamson’s quote about our own power that we fear…it resonated for so many of us. It seems ‘safer’ to diminish our own light- to hand over responsibility of our lives to someone else… but the thing is…it’s never safer.
We each have our own path and agenda and following someone else’s will never lead us to feeling fulfilled.
They say it’s lonely at the top- but the truth is- ultimately, depression will hit if we neglect our own purpose,
Becoming an individual entails separation- discovering who we truly are and how we came to serve.
Let’s step into ourselves. It can be scary- but I feel the alternative is more so- never having taken the risk.
Only you have the power to create the life you came here for and don’t for a second think it’s easy…but it will be worth it.
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